Before Studio Encor we were ordinary young men who worked a nine to five job, looked for a career path, or tried to go back to school to find a better job. In our lives there were always an adversary inbetween but nevertheless we would find time to get together to tell stories of what one day we will write, games we will make, and what we could acomplish. We write this as we all felt a senitmental feeling of "stuckness." Not being able to do what we have always wanted. That is, to do what we love best. And like any idea it was either a match that would smoked out or could become a wild fire. In this case, we chose the latter. What's the point in life if we don't give it our all? We soon talked to one another about ideas and platform we would be on, our focus, and our end goals. Whether we would only compose animations, make games, or webtoon series. We came to a conclusion that we wanted to do them all, with our twist of course. We began working on our first visual novel and after a year later Studio Encor was born.